All the Memories | 10 embellishments for pocket scrapbooking


A couple of weeks ago, I shared my favorite tools for memory keeping.

So today, I’m sharing my favorite embellishments that I use in my Project Life albums.

There is a huge variety of embellishments that you can include in your albums, but these are my favorites – the things that I find myself gravitating toward and using constantly week after week. The thing about embellishments is that you don’t need them for memory keeping, but they’re nice additional touches that make the pages extra special.

Although things have been a little slow on the Project Life front recently, I’m excited to see whether my tastes and style will change in the coming months as I continue to work on my album. (Yes, I’m planning to actually get it done.)

So in no particular order, here we go!

10 embellishments for pocket scrapbooking:

1. Washi tape

This is a long-time favorite embellishment. I even made some DIYs with it (see this and this). It’s cute and functional in attaching memorabilia or other papers.

2. Enamel dots

These add the perfect pop of color and dimension to any spreads.

3. Wood veneer

I love using these raw, so many different shapes, so much variety.

4. Paper clips

These are perfect for attaching memorabilia without damaging them, or creating flaps for additional information.

5. Stamps

Roller stamps, rubber stamps, date stamps, clear stamps – I love the variety and versatility of stamps and use at least one form of them in every spread.

(Some may consider stamps as tools instead, but since they aren’t actually essential to completing a Project Life album and you’re pretty spoilt for choice, I would consider them as embellishments.)

6. Inks

Again, there are many different types and so many colors to choose from to pair with the stamps.

7. Chipboard shapes

Like enamel dots, chipboard shapes are pretty flat but still have enough dimension to keep things interesting. And lots of options too!

8. Die cut pieces

Whether I die cut my own shapes or purchase them, I love customizing die cut pieces for my spreads.

9. Stickers

I especially love alpha stickers, but the American Crafts Remarks sticker books are a lot of fun too.

10. Sequins

When I need the perfect touch of bling, sequins are my go-to.

What are your favorite scrapbooking embellishments? Tell me in the comments!

Missed the other posts in this series? You can catch up on them here:

All the Memories is a blog series talking about all things memory keeping – from memory keeping ideas to answering your questions. This is the year to get those memories documented!

5 thoughts on “All the Memories | 10 embellishments for pocket scrapbooking

  1. Washi tape is definitely my favorite aswell! The possibilities really are endless with washi tape! 😉 Stamps are in my top aswell! Need more though ! Great read, thanks for sharing. 🙂
    Did you take the picture on top? It’s really lovely and colorful!

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