Friday Favorites no. 026 | links from the week


It’s been a crazy busy week around here; but I hope your weekend is rad!

Life is often full and busy. But I like to take time to enjoy some of my favorite things. So Friday Favorites is a weekly series where I share my favorite(s) for the week. Check out my other Friday Favorites here.

One thought on “Friday Favorites no. 026 | links from the week

  1. You’re so sweet to include me here. THANK YOU! It definitely made my day 🙂

    And that last link you shared — you should follow along with me on Instagram (@kelseyespecially) using the #freshflowerfriday hashtag. Because like you said, YES to fresh flowers. And what better way to end each week and begin each weekend than with a nice, new bouquet of fresh flowers?!

    Happy weekend!

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