Friday Favorite no. 010 // CHA summer

As you probably already know by now, I pretty much don’t scrapbook at all nowadays. And I’m really working on changing that. But in the meantime, I still love being inspired by all the amazing patterns and products out there. And because the CHA Create-n-Connect show just ended yesterday, I’m picking a few of my favorite new releases (in no particular order) to share with you guys! (:

1. Amy Tangerine and Dear Lizzy with American Crafts

As always, Amy Tangerine and Dear Lizzy have some great new collections. It’s even cooler that they have Project Life mini kits now. Pretty sweet.



2. Flea Market by Maggie Holmes for Crate Paper

I’m pretty big into gold right now. So I love that Maggie Holmes’ Flea Market collection has some generous doses of  it!



3. Project Life Sunshine Edition by Elsie and Emma from A Beautiful Mess

I fell off the Project Life bandwagon more than a year ago. But all the truly sunshine + happy colors in this Sunshine Edition might just be enough to make me hop back on again.


But in addition to the usual favorites, I love discovering “newer” brands that I don’t look at a lot.

4.  Cut & Paste Adorbs by My Mind’s Eye

I love the color scheme of this collection. Such a good mix of pinks and greens and aquas, mmm.


5. Cut & Paste Flair by My Mind’s Eye

This collection has the cutest nerd glasses, which is my favorite part of this preppy collection. I might get some of this just for those glasses, I tell you.


6. Dapper & Dan by Glitz Design

This collection is such a nice mix of greens, blues, and neutrals for the BOYS. Plus, I’m really digging those geometric shapes and the mustaches (!!!).

glitzdesign DD CP1714

7. Finnley by Glitz Design

Also by Glitz Design, Finnley is a fun, fresh take on trendy colors with woodland animals thrown in the mix. So excited to see some of these brands that I don’t usually go for.

glitzdesign finnley CP1721

Well, that’s all for me for today! Now excuse me while I go and earn some dough so I can splurge on these collections later! (;

I hope your Friday is bursting with creativity and sunshine!

Life is often full and busy. But I like to take time to enjoy some of my favorite things. So Friday Favorite is a weekly series where I share my favorite(s) for the week. Check out my other Friday Favorites here.