Friday favorite no. 005 // super fast class – handwriting

While scrolling through my twitter feed last week, I came across a link to this video by Kristina Werner, which left me pretty inspired.

Growing up, I didn’t always have the nicest handwriting and I was constantly in envy of the girls in class whose cute handwriting made me wish I wrote better. As I got older, my handwriting became a little bit better and I started actually liking my writing. But somewhere, somehow, this writing of mine started getting all scribbly and messy again and now I don’t like it so much anymore.

I must say, with all the influx of technology nowadays, maybe all the time I spend typing on my computer and scrolling through my smartphone doesn’t give me much opportunity to practice writing with a pen (or pencil) anymore. So hmm, maybe technology is all to blame.

Still, I really hope that I get back to the phase of having better writing and liking my handwriting again.

But until then, I’ll just have to keep practicing, take every opportunity I have to use a pen to practice and try to make this handwriting as good I can get it.

I think I might just be busy practicing this weekend. Happy Friday!

Life is often full and busy. But I like to take time to enjoy some of my favorite things. So Friday Favorite is a weekly series where I share my favorite(s) for the week. Check out my other Friday Favorites here.