Friday favorite no. 001 // Make Someone Happy by Oh Joy!

Each Friday, I’ll share with you my favorite(s) for that week. Or at least that’s the plan.


This week, my favorite is Oh Joy’s Make Someone Happy video series.

I’ve been wanting to share this mini video series by Oh Joy!. There are already a handful of videos in this Make Someone Happy series. But I love the concept behind it of brightening up someone’s day, even if it’s just in a really small way. So much love and inspiration in just a few minutes. If you have the time, watch these videos and maybe go out and make someone happy!

Trying out some of these simple yet inspiring things are one of my favorite parts about this series. So over the past weekend, I printed a couple of Oh Joy’s ad lib letter from video no. 5 and wrote one to every single person in my family. ‘Twas so fun just to surprise them with something out of the blue. Because life is made up of little moments like that.

Here’s to Friday and making someone happy today!