21 projects / DIY ring holder

I was looking for DIY projects for the 21 list when I stumbled across this DIY ring holder. While I’m really not a big ring wearer, I immediately thought of my friend who was. Funny thing was that she was just telling me the other day that she needed a way to store her ring collection. So this was pretty perfect (:

I just followed the comprehensive instructions on this super easy DIY and it came together in a flash.



I covered a box with patterned paper just to pretty it up and covered the edges with washi tape. The only step I skipped from the original DIY was covering the felt with additional lace or cloth after rolling the felt and gluing them together.


(This is proof of how many rings I have, and even fewer that I actually wear, ha.)


And my sweet friend so kindly sent me a photo of all her rings displayed so nicely in the box.

Easy, practical DIYs are always a plus, for sure.
2 down, 19 to go.