Lessons learned

Source: the-illumination.tumblr.com via Amelia on Pinterest

God taught me a lot this year. Some lessons I learned new, others I learned again.  And a lot of lessons, I’m still learning. Honestly, I learned more than twenty lessons, but if I had to put it down, here are twenty lessons I’m taking to twenty-one:

1. Life is complicated.

2. Laugh at yourself.

3. Forgiveness is never easy, always necessary.

4. Take whatever life throws at you and make the most of it.

5. Speak up for what you want/believe.

6. A lot of things depend on your perspective.

7. God is always good.

8. Talk less, listen more.

9. Don’t judge.

10. Make everyone a friend.

11. Don’t be afraid to dream – BIG.

12. Be patient.

13. Money is easy to spend, hard to earn.

14. Contentment is a decision.

15. Set realistic goals.

16. In everything, give thanks.

17. Don’t be afraid of new experiences.

18. Do what you love.

19. Enjoy each moment.

20. God’s timing is always perfect.

I’m excited for what God’s going to teach me at twenty-one.
Let’s do this!